Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Constitutional Amendment
I would add to the Constitution, that the people of the United States must be off of welfare by 1 month prior of losing their job. I added this for the reason of citizens that are on welfare see that they make more money being on it then getting a job or just being flat out lazy. These people are taking tax money from people who actually work making it alot harder on working people and America.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Believing is Seeing
I wish I could believe in again was Santa Clause. Stories that were told was that he is capable of many things that very impossible to which the world we live in but maybe not his. Like traveling around the world in one night or fitting down a chimney. If Santa was real then our world today would actually be very different. I wish I could have a strong imagination and belief of this man in hope of making the impossible possible.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Big & Small
Yes I do know somebody who is big on the outside but little on the inside is this kid I know from school. He looks intimidating but is friendly in the inside. On the other hand, the exact opposite is one of my coaches. He looks like you can take him but i'll tell you what he wouldn't go down without a fight. I believe in some ways yes physical appearance is related to personality. To more then half of the people. If internal beauty was linked to external beauty it would be easier to find the perfect women. In my mind I would look like a Brad Pitt!!!!!!!! LOL
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Dear Miss McGuyrt
There are many things in life I do understand like how like that if we were to circle a black hole we would be going back in time by a 2:1 ratio and how that works but i just can't understand people. I know this sounds like the whole idea of book smarts and street smarts but I feel like that's not the case in my current situation. I get this vibe from my friends and family to where I don't matter to them. In the case of my friends its like no matter what words come out of my mouth its.... how can I say this retarded or just like your a dumbass even if I was just complementing them. So when I do speak they feel it as annoying. So when I don't speak people think that something is wrong with me when they know as much as I do they really don't care, its just seen as an act of warmth or they are bored and need just to say a few words because they can't handle being quiet themselves. I swear I see my self as a child who must think way to much about these thoughts but I realize more about our current civilization I give credit to those anti-social kids who become great in life while the others, can just go piss off as they take the easy ways in life. If this you do ever come across this post Miss McGuyrt I'm sorry to have wasted your minutes but as I write this I can make one thing for sure and that is people is a general term for what evil and good actually mean.
I consider myself to be a SAVIOR rather then a spender. I have saved up my money for something that will further me in my future. Just like Hannah options I would take the option her dad gave her. Just wondering why she didn't take this, makes think that maybe her father or family was a controlling family (example mine.) Its fun I say this because my family's actions overall is what made me a savior hoping one day I can move far away from this chaos. In my mind I can relate to being the child who can with stand the idea of taking the first marshmallow and wait for two marshmallows to appear to me. I can say one thing for sure is you must know how to save money in the world we live today.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The List of Tribes
I'm defiantly part of the group that expresses their opinion. I also belong to the tribe of distance runners. And to the tribe of rocket scientist. And to the tribe of your civil making it through the day people. And to the tribe of kicking butt and taking names later. And to the tribe of traveling around the globe. And to the tribe of the people who use stumble. And to the tribe of getting muddy.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Introvert & Extrovert
I see myself as introvert. I do become energetic when around my close friends that are fun to be around with their wild and extravagant ideas. I believe extroverts have it easier as they have more friends to help correspond to. If the world was extrovert we would be very social and connected but less research would be found. If the world was introvert then the world would be a quiet place but with a lot of independent people. I would hope my to be a little of both.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Life Law 10
My future? Wow!! That's like asking scientist how the world will end. Looking at it I see what my family has accomplished over year since I'm the youngest. They have succeeded in many amazing things, but I don't see myself going in there particular way. Let's take a moment here and start at square one, College is a must and I wanna achieve a doctor's degree in the science field. Also like Nick (the child Jay interviewed) I have big shoes to fill because of my siblings. My future will be clustered with education like a mom with a photo album. People from all around me even people that I have no clue who they are have impacted my vision. Some kids only use their closest friends as influences but with a wider and much more descriptive idea, your picture comes to live full of exotic colors. So my future in a nut shell is open pathways in ways of a crop maze, filled with voices, with extreme cloud cover expect of the one bright spot like the stars on a clear night to look at, that I glance up to to keep my moving on the right path.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Life Law 9
Everybody makes mistakes, it just depends on how we react to others mistakes when it effects us. the power of forgiveness is like having the power of holding Zeus's Thunderbolt!!! It's your choice to decide if u forgive the person or just hate them by keeping hold of a grudge. Always keep in mind that if your the person who gets screwed over, learn from it and never to forget what the person has done to you. They may just do it again and again if you give them the chance
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thought of the Day 10/7
I see life is needed to be lived like every day is your last. We need to ask our self, is what I'm doing right now what I would want to accomplish if this was my last day. A strong minded man believed in this and became one of the most successful men in the world. His name was Steve Jobs the co-finder of Apple, the creator of Pixar Animations and Next. Possibly if you were to live as each day or even as each moment was your last that you maybe a very successful person.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Thought of the Day 10/5

Life flies, it seems to travel faster then the speed a light. Elder people have said "Don't Blink or you will miss years of your life." They say before you know your out of school and working; then your kids are graduating and you get old and die before you know it. Missing opportunities is just throwing life right outside your window. Its best just to stay focused and take advantage of what ever comes your way cause life can all change in seconds.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Poem's of Walt Whitmen
My favorite poem from Walt Whitman himself is "To A Stranger". I see this poem as my favorite because of how he describes a real situation that could we think about when we walk pass a beautiful girl. In his case he had spoken up to this stranger and had the best time in his life. It just goes to show you never know what your future may hold if you speak up.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Long Day
Wow! I felt like I needed some strong cold medicine to knock myself out. Its pretty CrAzY how one thing can change your life in a instance. Yea, it's Grrrrrreat knowing that years of hard work is now on the line. I can't say much but what I can say is that it has been a long day today with all my emotions.
Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman is a American Poet and journalist born on May 31, 1819. The type of literature Walt Whitman is known for is his poetry. I see Walt Whitman as a romanticist because he's a man that uses figurative language in his poetry that is most of the time based on romance. My favorite poem from him is "Whoever You Are Holding Me Now in Hand".
Monday, September 19, 2011
Writing Topic 9/19
"When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." I do agree with this quote. As a cross country runner I've never seen a great runner just being lucky. They work extremely hard, breaking a sweat every time they put on their runner shoes. We as people seem to achieve on the things we love by working at them. Its amazing on how talented we are. Just imagine if we loved everything.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sophomore Year
The start off of my sophomore year has been kinda predictable. Things just really haven't changed. You have your same popular kids, the jocks, the nerds, the drinkers and smokers. Its ironic on how much we all hate school but in the summer its the most anticipated upcoming event. I guess that just helps prove that when were told something we do the opposite and how we say something we rarely act upon it. Why is that? On the other hand, my goals are pretty much the same thing as last year straight A's and trying to get as many as scholarships as possible, because when all the goals are added up and completed i'll be a successful scholar living high up somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
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